A Toyota Hilux Evaded Cop Capture From Muar To Kuala Lumpur

Even funnier still is that the Hilux driver has successfully managed to outrun the cops after this 180 km chase.
In what will read like a story that came right out of Grand Theft Auto, a Toyota Hilux has recently lead the police on an interstate chase all the way from Johor to Kuala Lumpur. This aforementioned pickup was first initially ordered to stop by the cops all the way back at Jalan Bakri in Muar, but is somehow still at large (at time of writing) after the boys-in-blue failed to apprehend the driver 180 km later on Jalan Chan Sow Lin in KL.
Muar OCPD Asst Comm Raiz Mukhliz Azman Aziz said in a statement regarding this incident that a police patrol unit initially spotted the Hilux running a red light at a junction on Jalan Bakri at around 2.45 a.m. this morning (20th November). The officers had signalled for the driver to stop, but the pickup instead responded by speeding off.
This had hence prompted a high-speed car chase across 3 states that eventually involved police from Melaka, Bukit Aman and Kuala Lumpur. And apparently, a total of 9 police cruisers were roped into this unsuccessful interstate Hilux capture.
Now as for how this Hilux manage to give the cops the slip after all this while, the driver apparently just drove the 4×4 pickup up a ridge after the Sungai Besi toll plaza, where the police cars were not able to follow. It then entered the opposite lane on Jalan Chan Sow Lin, and promptly disappeared into the city.
In what could well be an ill-advised advert for the Hilux’s toughness too here, it is worth mentioning that this Toyota apparently managed to evade capture even after hitting two toll barriers in the process. The first was when approaching the toll booth at Jasin, Melaka, and the other was the aforementioned Sungai Besi toll plaza.
ACP Raiz Mukhliz said efforts to find the suspect’s vehicle are still ongoing, and an investigation was opened under Section 186 of the Penal Code and Section 42 of the Road Transport Act 1987. He had further urged those with information to relay information by contacting Muar police district police headquarters hotline at 06-952 6001.
As for those in stunned disbelief that the Hilux could manage such an interstate chase, it would be worth mentioning here that this pickup is actually quite the capable getaway car. Thanks to a torque-y turbo-ed oil burner (be it in 2.4- or 2.8-litre guise) under its hood after all, this Toyota could actually pickup up some pretty decent speed on the road.
As exemplified by what happened in this particular incident too, its high ground clearance and four-wheel drive does see for the Toyota go places where even the long arm of the law aren’t able to reach. Also, assuming that the Hilux had a full tank of diesel, it could reasonably do over 800 km without needing to refuel.
The more interesting question worth asking here regarding what is admittedly a somewhat hilarious incident is how come 9 police cars from more than 3 jurisdictions can’t bring 1 runaway Hilux to a halt? Unless this is all some kind of elaborate recreation to the opening of the first Cannonball Run movie of course…