Ford Donates RM33,000 to Montfort Boys Town

Sime Darby Auto ConneXion (SDAC) and Ford have awarded an US$8,000 (current exchange rate of 4.14 equals to about RM33,000) grant to Montfort Boys Town under the Ford Education Grant programme in Malaysia which aims to support the local automotive industry with training to develop qualified technicians.
The US$8,000 grant helped Montfort Boys Town source two lift posts for the Automotive Production Department and help keep its training facility up-to-date by helping students gain practical knowledge and skills that will support them to become successful automotive technicians.
“Serving the communities where we do business has always been an important commitment for Ford,” said Truong Kim Phong, Managing Director, Ford Asia Pacific Emerging Markets. “Together with our local partner, Sime Darby Auto ConneXion, we are proud to continue supporting Montfort Boys Town and further build learning opportunities with practical training and skills development for their students.”
Montfort Boys Town provides practical vocational training and life skills to underprivileged youths to help them enter the workforce and live a successful life, where in 2017, Ford donated two Ford vehicles and equipment, which allowed Montfort Boys Town to introduce one additional training programme in their curriculum.
Support for Montfort Boys Town is part of Ford’s various Corporate Social Responsibility efforts in Malaysia. Other initiatives include the award-winning Ford’s Driving Skills for Life – a hands-on driver safety training programme for licensed drivers of all ages, and Ford’s Global Caring Month, which is the company’s signature annual event where Ford employees and Ford dealer volunteers participate in a wide-range of community service projects.
For more information about Ford, please visit SDAC’s multilingual website at