Dear Rempits, You Should REALLY Consider An Electric Motorbike

You could have a faster and cheaper hooning tool, while everyone else can get a better night’s sleep…
While electric motorcycles at present follow the old Honda cub marketing strategy of being a green and friendly in-town runabout, there could actually the argument here that what these tailpipe-less two-wheelers offer may also be a perfect fit for the rempit crowd too. And just to prove that is the case, here are just 3 reasons why these rowdy bunch of road rioters should all be instantly trading in their petrol-powered kapchais for the all-electric alternatives.
1. Speed & Power
Thought your modded single cylinder on your kapchai was fast? Well dear rempit, the massive instant lump of torque afforded by an electric motor will see for even the most sedate of these all-electric two wheelers to be even quicker off the line than the leanest and meanest modded moped in town.
What more is that thanks to this instantaneous oomph, stuff like wheelies and all the other idiotic stunts that, you dear rempit, loooove to perform on public roads could now be done easier than ever before!
2. Cheap To Buy & Cheap To Run
Now while these electric motorbikes generally come with higher list prices, thanks to the government generously providing a RM 2,400 rebate on locally-assembled examples, these electric motorcycles could technically be quite the steal.
In fact, the cheapest electric motorcycle could be had for just over RM 3,000 with the current rebate, which is about 60% of what a (good) kapchai costs.
Moreover, while petrol for a kapchai is not exactly a major expense too, plugging it at home (or bumming of a public three-pin plug) would drive down ownership costs further!
And the less money spent on the buying and running bike means more money you, dear rempit, can put aside for modifications to soup it up (or perhaps use to post bail when the time eventually comes).
3. Less People Will Hate You
Without giving away too much here, this writer currently lives within earshot of an elevated highway. And what does he hear every night? The inseccent cacophony of multiple uncorked kapchais roaring up and down said road.
It likely isn’t a stretch to say that he is not the only one in the country who suffers from this irritating issue night in, night out as well. Such is as these pests terrorise are found terrorising local highways all around the country, reducing the overall sleep quality of millions of Malaysians.
What more is that Malaysian law, as it stands right now, unfortunately prohibits the possibility of taking pot shots at these auditory nuisances, and it seems that no one has yet answered any calls for divine retribution on them too. So in an attempt to settle this matter in a way that both parties are satisfied therefore (you rempits can still terrorise the highway while this writer can have a good night’s sleep), I personally plead to you rempits then to just at least consider the appeal of an e-bike?
Oh dear rempit, do note also that without noise, these electric motorbikes will make it harder for the police to actually pin point where you are when you’re out hooning. Meaning that evading the cops might just become that little bit easier. Think about that would you, when you are rotting in remand?