
Gift Mom Trouble-Free Driving This Mother’s Day With Bosch

Celebrate Mother’s Day by giving the gift of peace-of-mind on the road, thanks to Bosch AA. 

Now to those who forgot, Mother’s Day is actually this Sunday. To those who remembered but are still struggling to find a suitable gift, how about getting mother dearest some peace of mind on the road courtesy of Bosch Automotive Aftermarket Malaysia (Bosch AA)? 

Part of its ongoing Drive For Life promotional campaign, these simple DIY car maintenance checks that you, dear child, can carry out for your mom this coming Mother’s Day is surely better than the bouquet of flowers or a nice meal. After all, what better gift is there than the gift of assurance and safety when your mom gets behind the wheel? 

Kicking off with the first of Bosch AA’s DIY car maintenance checks, the German parts manufacturer recommends that you begin by checking the wipers of your mom’s daily driver. A recommendation that is particularly pertinent during this current rainy season. 

Look out for any wear and tear signs which may include scraping sounds, water stripes and streaks, large unwiped sections on the windscreen, as well as jumping and skipping of the blades themselves. As a rule of thumb, Bosch AA recommends that wipers be replaced annually, especially considering that heat from our intense climate can cause wipers to warp and crack faster than normal. 

When it comes to replacing these wipers, Bosch would (naturally) recommend its Aerotwin flat blade wipers which feature a blended dual rubber compound with graphite coating for longer lifespan and an asymmetrical wind spoiler for better windshield contact. As for how to actually replace them, it is a fairly simple DIY process that can be done in a few simple steps, much like what is demonstrated in the video below: 


Moving onto the second DIY car maintenance check to do for mom, it is time to move within the cabin and check the cabin filter. The Covid-19 pandemic has perhaps awakened many of us to the be more aware of the quality of air that we breathe, and it just so happens that the first line of defence to reduce risk of exposure to air pollutants, airborne bacteria, and viruses in our cars is none other than the cabin air filter.

Even without the pandemic however, cabin filters should be replaced every year or 15,000 km, whichever comes first. Common signs of a clogged cabin filter include unpleasant smells or exhaust fumes permeating within the cabin, reduced coldness of the air-conditioning and frequent foggy windows. 

Just for added peace of mind therefore, treat your mom to a new Bosch Aeristo Premium cabin filter this Mother’s Day. Coming complete with anti-virus, anti-bacterial, anti-allergen and anti-fungal properties, it also has the filtration a filtration efficiency of a PM2.5 filter that is able to filter 98% of fine air particles at 2.5 microns. 

Having taken care of the simpler DIY tasks, why not also treat your mom to a smoother running car engine by using some higher quality engine oil like during its next service. Since most of us are also on the roads less these days during the recent movement control orders, perhaps consider buying a car battery trickle charger (like a Bosch C7 for instance) to ensure that your mom’s car battery is kept at an optimum charge and will dependably fire up when she needs to go out on those rare occasions these days.

Seeing as you’re already under the hood, give the battery an occasional wipe with a damp cloth in order to keep it clean. This can help prolong battery life, prevent battery terminal corrosion, and keep the battery in optimal working condition. 

While you’re at it too, also check for signs of a swollen battery case once in a while. A swollen battery could eventually lead to an exploding car battery if not replaced in time. 

For more information on simple car care tips you can DIY, log on to Bosch Autoparts Facebook page. A list of authorised Bosch dealers are also available over there to purchase certified original Bosch car parts, or simply head on to Bosch Autoparts official store in Shopee and Lazada. 

Joshua Chin

Automotive journalist. Professional work on Instagram: @driveeveryday

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