Goodyear Malaysia installs RM8.2 million solar panels to reduce carbon footprint

As part of its sustainability efforts, Goodyear Malaysia recently installed 6,680 solar panels to power its corporate office as well as production plant in Shah Alam. Capable of producing 2.5-megawatts of power, the solar system is connected to six Low Voltage (LV) substations that is located within the plant and will be responsible for powering not only the manufacturing plant, but also the office and warehouse buildings.
Each panel is made of 375W Bifacial Monocrystalline Perc Double Glass Solar Modules, capable of reducing electricity costs. The panels are estimated to reduce 1,980,433.37 kilograms of carbon emissions per year across 25 years.
The structure includes solar modules, inverters, Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), Alternating Current and Direct Current cable works, allowing for greater fluidity and control over the accumulated power. With this technology in place, Goodyear is set to reduce the electricity cost spending while boosting its green plant reputation by reducing the amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions.
In line with sustainability efforts, Goodyear has also participated in tyre recycling exercise with its recent initiative of donating tyres to SK 20 Seksyen Shah Alam. The tyres were repurposed as decorative ornaments and pots for vegetables and flowers around the school.