Classic Car Weekend Ipoh Getaway

Holidays are not just for the kids to have fun, its also for the adults to bring out their prized treasures and show them to the world.
The Malaysia Singapore Vintage Car Register (MSVCR) and the Perak Classic Drivers (PCD) Classic cars club did a weekend gathering at the famous Gunung Lang in Ipoh on the last weekend of 2018 among the lovely lush greenery, hills and the serene lake.
There was a total of 38 cars of different marques present with their owners chatting mostly on the most favorite topic: ‘Their Love For Their Classic Cars” and also gave other drivers who yearn for classic car the opportunity to snap some pictures and think about the possibility of restoring a car and running it like the day it left the new car showroom.
(all pictures below courtesy of KT Pillai…….classic car owner & world class professional MC)