JPJ Offers 70% Off On Summons In Celebration Of Merdeka

This tempting discount summons from JPJ will run from the 18th of August to the 16th of September.
While many of us are still stuck at home these past few months, the rare chances we get to escape might see some more exuberant drivers get onto the wrong side of the law. Fortunately however for those who have mad the misfortune of getting caught, JPJ is handily now offering a discount of up to 70% on all compoundable summons.
According to the road transport department, this discount scheme on summons that run from the 18th of August to the 16th of September is aimed at lightening the financial burden of the rakyat. Most of whom are greatly affected during the current economic downturn, not to mention the ever worsening COVID-19 outbreak locally too.
These discounts also come about in conjunction with Merdeka, whose theme incidentally this year is ‘Malaysia Prihatin’. The kindness extended by JPJ does nevertheless have its limitations however, as this reduction does not apply to cases involving a court hearing, including those which are under arrest warrant or trial status.
Now delving further into the nitty gritty of things, the discounts on offer will be applicable to all active summons issued under the Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333) and the Commercial Vehicles Licencing Board Act 1987 (Act 334). The reduction rate meanwhile will be calculated based on the current compounds, as listed under JPJ’s mySIKAP system.
To those intending to take the JPJ up on this initiative, payment for these summons can be made at any of its branch offices or at the various UTCs nationwide. The summons could also be settled online, through the mySIKAP JPJ system.
It is worth highlighting however that those who have previously been blacklisted by JPJ will require a trip to their branches, in order to re-process the required documentation before payment for the summons are made. Also note too that only summons issued by JPJ are eligible for these discounts, with police summons not having any discounts thus far.
PRESS RELEASE: Bersempena dengan sambutan hari kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke-64 yang bertemakan “Malaysia Prihatin” bagi tahun 2021, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ) bersetuju memberikan tawaran pengurangan pembayaran saman sehingga 70% kepada semua saman JPJ yang boleh dikompaun, kecuali kes yang masih dalam sebutan pihak Mahkamah termasuk yang berstatus waran tangkap atau perbicaraan.
Pengurangan kompaun yang bermula pada 18 Ogos 2021 sehingga 16 September 2021 ini, akan diberikan kepada semua notis saman yang telah dikeluarkan bagi kesalahan di bawah Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 (Akta 333), Akta Lembaga Pelesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (Akta 334), serta Kaedah-Kaedah dan Perintah-Perintah di bawahnya, termasuklah kes yang masih dalam tindakan Senarai Hitam (blacklist). Pengurangan ke atas notis saman tersebut adalah berdasarkan kepada kadar kompaun semasa yang terdapat dalam sistem mySIKAP JPJ.
Sementara itu, tawaran ini turut diberikan kepada semua saman yang masih aktif dan tempoh kompaunnya masih berkuatkuasa dengan syarat pembayaran dilakukan dalam tempoh yang dinyatakan iaitu sehingga 16 September 2021. Urusan pembayaran notis saman ini boleh dibuat di semua pejabat JPJ Negeri, Cawangan dan UTC, kiosk atau secara atas talian (online) melalui portal mySIKAP JPJ (
Walau bagaimanapun, bagi pesalah-pesalah lalu lintas yang telah disenarai hitam (blacklist), pesalah dikehendaki untuk hadir semula ke pejabat JPJ (Cawangan ataupun Negeri), bagi tujuan proses dokumentasi semula, sebelum sebarang urusan pembayaran dapat dilakukan.
Adalah sesungguhnya, tawaran pengurangan notis saman ini dibuat semata-mata bagi tujuan meringankan beban rakyat, selaras dengan kemelut ekonomi yang melanda segenap lapisan masyarakat di negara ekoran daripada pandemik Covid-19