Proton and MARii Collaborate On Computer Simulation Facility

The MARii Simulation and Analysis Centre (MARSAC) has officially commenced operation.
A collaboration between Proton and MARii, MARSAC aim is to produce a local talent pool ready for industry 4.0 in various fields. By providing a shared platform for automotive businesses to infuse digital simulation within their product development cycle.
It is also intended to act as a one-stop centre that connects OEMs and their supply chain. Thus allowing for easier collaboration between both parties, especially when it comes to the design and development of innovative products, in accordance with the National Automotive Policy (NAP).
A memorandum of agreement (MoA) was signed between both parties at the launch of this facility to officially signify the commencement of MARSAC’s operations. Existing as a standalone facility within MARii’s Cyberjaya headquarters MARSAC is equipped with 15 high performance work stations. Allowing engineers to perform computer simulation and digital twin during the validation phase of the development of component parts.
This facility also is powered by MARii’s High Performance Computing servers. Thus allowing for real-time data analysis and cloud-based operations that speeds up the research process.
As MARSAC is a collaboration with Proton, it also acts as a satellite laboratory for Proton CAE. The intention for this laboratory is to be a leading facility within the ASEAN region across all areas of the automotive industry; from research, design & testing, validation and manufacturing.
More information is found in the press release below:
The MARii Simulation & Analysis Center (MARSAC) was launched today, aiming to accelerate high-value design, cost optimisation and talent development among automotive and mobility component manufacturers.
MARSAC – developed in collaboration with PROTON, is a standalone facility within MARii’s headquarters in Cyberjaya, equipped with 15 high performance workstations, powered by MARii’s High Performance Computing servers which enable real-time data analysis and cloud-based operations.
This allows engineers to perform digital simulations and digital twin during the validation phase of automotive and mobility-based parts, components, systems and processes – to simulate vehicle crashes, identify failure thresholds of components, tooling wear, fluid flow pattern in vehicles, engines or moulds, etc.
The launch was held in conjunction with a working visit by Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry, YB Datuk Lim Ban Hong.
“This is my first visit to MARii, and I am pleased to see homegrown technology and capabilities operating closer to global best practices in product engineering and development. MARSAC, as well as other technologies developed in-house by MARii, are a testament to the Malaysian will in emerging as an advanced nation in the future”, the Deputy Minister said.
Dato’ Madani Sahari, MARii CEO said, “Computer Simulation is an important, but highly challenging phase in the automotive design process. It requires a tremendous amount of skill and experience, as well as investment on the part of the business owner to procure the required equipment and conduct meaningful analyses. MARSAC addresses this issue by providing a shared platform for automotive businesses to infuse computer simulation within their product development cycle.”
Dato’ Madani further explained that the simulation and analysis centre also functions to develop an Industry 4.0-ready local talent pool in various high-level areas mentioned above.
With the launch of MARSAC, 10 component manufacturers will begin their collaborative design projects guided by experts from PROTON and MARii. MARii aims to allow the participation of 30 component manufacturers to be part of the MARSAC design community by 2022
“There are currently about 641 parts and components manufacturers operating in Malaysia, with about a quarter of this need of localised design to ensure industry competitivity. A one-stop centre that connects OEMS and their supply chain to collaboratively design innovative products would accelerate this learning curve, in line with the National Automotive Policy”, he added.
“This centre will act as a satellite laboratory for PROTON CAE whilst also serving as the CAE Centre for the industry in Malaysia. It is our shared vision that this centre will become a leading facility within the ASEAN region across all areas of the automotive industry including research, design & testing, validation as well as manufacturing.”, said Dato’ Radzaif Mohamed, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, PROTON.
“As we at PROTON celebrate the 35th year of the birth of the Saga, we are reminded of how far we have come, and how much further we must go. It is a responsibility that we do not take lightly and something that we intend to continue championing. Hence, we feel it is important to support institutions like MARii who are helping to chart the path forward for our industry.”, he added.
In conjunction with the launch, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was exchanged between both parties to signify the official commencement of MARSAC’s operations.
During the working visit to MARii, the Deputy Minister was also shown a demonstration of MARii’s BDA platform, as well as MARii’s digital content development capabilities.