UMW Toyota Launches KINTO ONE Car Subscription Service

Toyota Malaysia enters the Malaysian car subscription market with KINTO ONE.
Car subscription services have really exploded in popularity in recent years. It wasn’t too long ago that hire purchase seemed like the only option available to Malaysian motorists wanting a new car. Now however, there are several subscription services available on the local market, with the newest one being KINTO ONE.
Introduced by UMW Toyota’s financial arm Toyota Capital Malaysia, KINTO ONE is the Malaysian equivalent to the Japanese automaker’s car subscription service of the same name that has already been available in most other countries for quite some time already. What is different though about this particular localised Toyota medium-term subscription service is the fact that it is the world’s first Islamic-based car subscription program.
That minor distinction aside, much like any other existing car subscription service currently offered locally, KINTO ONE is touted as an ‘all-inclusive, fixed monthly payment, car subscription plan’. In other words then, the fixed monthly subscription covers registration, road tax, comprehensive insurance with breakdown assistance as well as periodic and preventative maintenance. Fuel costs however would be borne by the subscriber.
Currently available with either a fixed two or three year subscription plan that has an annual milage cap of 30,000 km per year, the cars on offer with this Toyota subscription service are, expectedly, all from the Toyota family. At time of writing, KINTO ONE is available for the Vios, Yaris, Corolla, Innova, Fortuner and Camry, with more models (including Lexus cars) to be available soon too.
Available from the 18th of January onwards, KINTO ONE is exclusively available online via its website: Through the website, prospective customers can view the car models available, decide on which subscription plan that suits their needs and apply for the service. More details regarding this new subscription service can also be found through the aforementioned site.
PRESS RELEASE: KINTO ONE, a car subscription-based program has now reached the shores of Malaysia. Available almost worldwide from Northern to South America, major countries of Asia and a very big presence in the European countries, Toyota Capital Malaysia is proud to be the first-in-the-world to introduce an Islamic based car subscription program to the discerning and financially savvy customers of the local car market.
Originating from the Japanese word kinto-un, which means ‘flying nimbus’, as the future image of mobility; the name KINTO is in line with the spirit of providing services that quickly appear when necessary, enabling mobility as per the user’s wishes, and are kind to the environment.
Introduced under the label KINTO ONE by Toyota Capital Malaysia, it offers a new medium to the public to owning and driving a car without all the hassles associated with the traditionally popular hire purchase facility.
In the simplest description, KINTO ONE is an all-inclusive, fixed monthly payment, car subscription plan. The fixed monthly subscription covers registration of the vehicle, annual comprehensive insurance and road tax, periodic maintenance as well as preventive maintenance. Subscription period comes in either two years or three years and once the subscription period is completed, the customer is to just simply return the car to Toyota Malaysia and everything else will be taken care of; dissociating typical customers from the worry of residual value of the car nor the worries of how to sell-off the cars after years of usage.
Mr Thomas Chai, President of Toyota Capital Malaysia was quoted as saying “KINTO ONE is the direct translation of a strategic partnership between Toyota Capital Malaysia and UMW Toyota Motor and is a distinctly curated respond to the new generation lifestyle seeking for mobility. It is about the shift of consumer behavior from car ownership to car usership. It is about Toyota’s vision of Mobility for All.”
KINTO ONE is a subscription plan that allows the customers to get the most value of their car at the same price throughout the contract period, particularly when all the scheduled periodic and preventive maintenance costs are included. This simply means customers really do not have to pay for anything else; be it oil change and all the labor cost associated to servicing the car and not even tires nor battery change amongst many others. Everything is all truly inclusive.
Thomas added that KINTO ONE is to serve customers who are looking for a more private and safer mobility solutions amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also importantly aimed at companies and corporations wanting to be light in their assets but still highly require the functionalities of being mobile, and also at individual customers who appreciate the fact that the cost of owning a car is really beyond the ability to oblige to the monthly instalments but also all the costs associated to it; payment for insurance, road tax, servicing and wear and tear of the vehicle.
Not only that, KINTO ONE customer should be very well comforted with the fact that the complete range of services and maintenance will be handled by authorized Toyota dealers with genuine parts and that all KINTO ONE customers are covered under comprehensive takaful insurance coverage with 24-hour emergency assistance.
Mr Ravindran Kurusamy, President of UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd said “While it all seems new and revolutionary for KINTO ONE aiming to cater to the newer generation of car owners seeking for freedom and mobility through its all-inclusive fixed monthly subscription plan, KINTO ONE has been introduced in many parts of the world and while it is newly launched here in Malaysia, we are starting with our learning curves way past the introductory stages. With strong support of Toyota Motors Corporation and the abundant availability of intellectual discourses amongst KINTO operators across the world, it has made our market introduction journey a very enriching one.”
True to its DNA of Mobility for All, KINTO ONE is exclusively available online via the website where customers can view the car models available, decide on which subscription plan that suits them and apply online. Current models include Toyota Vios, Yaris, Corolla, Innova, Fortuner and Camry with many more models coming soon, including Lexus cars. KINTO ONE is now officially available to the Malaysian public starting 18 January 2021.