Celebrities visit KLIMS 2018 to get even more popular

Here are some local celebrities attending the KLIMS 2018. KLIMS’18 entrance fees are RM20 for adults on weekdays and RM25 on weekends; RM5 for students, children 12 years and below and senior citizens on weekdays. There is also a family package of RM40 on weekdays and RM50 on weekends for a family with up to 5 children aged 12 and below. Tickets can be purchased online via
KLIMS’18 is held from 23 November to 2 December at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC). The opening hours are 11am to 10pm on weekdays and 10am to 10pm on weekends. Follow KLIMS’18 on Facebook, Instagram or logon to for more information.