Are we moving fast enough towards Electric Vehicle ownership?

Who is FISITA? FISITA was established in 1948 and it is an international network for automotive engineers, representing over 210,000 engineers in 37 countries.
Through his spokesman, Paul Mascarenas, FISITA is calling for a faster pace in the transition to green eco-friendly cars and the quick retirement of petrol and diesel powered cars in the world.
He said, “The quality of the air and its sanitation depends on how quickly we can renew the global car fleet. Action needs to be taken with some ‘force’ (like a higher tax on combustion powered cars) and our industry has to get around this constraint.”
According to Paul Mascarenas, who has worked for Ford Motor Co for a long time, it would take 10 to 15 years to be able to convert the fleet of cars to electric, provided that the offer is complete or similar to that currently available for thermal vehicles. But we are not there at all. And obviously, it is the vagueness that prevails as indicated by Mascarenas: “there will be several constraints to solve such as the supply of new cars or raw materials and we still know today how we could remove these constraints”. Chris Mason, Director General of FISITA, says “the challenge is huge” and argues that the transition will depend more on citizens and consumers than on any political decisions.