Have you heard of the MULA ride hailing app?

The Malaysian public transport industry is striving to meet the recent regulatory demand and expectation from government who is focusing on safety and comfort level of both the passengers and drivers alike. MULA, a locally owned E-hailing App have from day one been working closely with government agencies to ensure that MULA Apps meets and exceeds the safety expectation for both driver and passenger who using the apps.
MULA App unique selling points
Being in the forefront of safety, MULA was the first e-hailing app which pioneered the in-app “MULA PINK” function which allow female passenger’s booking should they choose it to be received only by female driver. This unique feature is to ensure the safety of female passenger whilst aiding in elevating the income potential of MULA’s female drivers.
To add on, all MULA passenger and driver app since its inception feature an SOS feature which allows either driver and passenger to trigger it via in apps SOS button during emergency situation. All the SOS trigger will be handled by an independent security company 24 hours with necessary GPS record will be provided by MULA if needed as well. The independent security company has branches nationwide to cater to and despatch security personal to the SOS location if required.
MULA’s Book on Behalf feature, was something that received good response from the government bodies, more so that this feature is now made compulsory to all other e-hailing app in Malaysia. With this feature, passengers are allowed to make a booking on behalf of others, such as their parents or children who are not familiar with the ins and outs of modern apps. Basic information of passenger such as Name and Telephone number is required during booking to ensure the safeness of all parties.
Furthermore, with MULA’s Pre-Book function, passenger is now able to make a ride booking up to a week in advance. This is to ensure passengers are able to secure driver to pick them up especially during peak hours where the demand is at an all-time high.
Moving forward, MULA would be soon launching a special lower commission scheme of only 5% for drivers with disability compared to the usual 10% for the rest of driver. To all drivers interested, don’t miss out on MULA’s 10% commission as it is one of the lowest in market given the government’s 20% maximum commission cap to all E-Hailing Operators in Malaysia.
To all that’s interested in trying out or driving for MULA, you may visit their official website at www.mula2u.com for all the information to understand further on features of apps or call their customer service personal at +604-3139060 (Penang & Johor), +6012-2988302/+6012-2988732 (Kuala Lumpur). MULA’s App is available to be downloaded from both Apple or Google Store.