Van Driver Survives After Sandwiched Between Two Lorries

Even more miraculously, the van driver only reported minor injuries.
In what could possibly be described as the most improbable incident you’ll hear off today, a van driver managed to escape with his life after his van became the a very squashed filling in a lorry sandwich. That’s not all though, as the van driver reportedly only sustained minor injuries, despite the crumpled state of his van.
Occurring last Friday (2nd October) on the M1 highway in Leicester, UK, the Leicester Police were called to the scene of the accident involving two lorries and the aforementioned van. The image above is courtesy of the police twitter account which shows the crumpled remains of the van between the front of a lorry and the back of a trailer of another.
The caption to the tweet stated that the police on duty told the van driver caught in the middle of this horrific incident to get a lottery ticket, due to the incredulous nature of his survival of this horrific accident. It was also reported that one other lorry driver, presumably the one that collided with the rear of the van, was medically assessed at the scene of the accident by paramedics. The other lorry driver meanwhile was uninjured.
A closer inspection at crumpled remains of the van in the picture of the accident looks to be that of the rear of the van, indicating the possibility that the driver steered (or more possibly pushed) towards the direction of the hard shoulder. Thus, allowing the passenger compartment to possibly remain uncrushed, unlike the rest of the van. However this is only a hypothesis, as no official word has been released by the police department regarding the miraculous escape from death by the driver.
Due to a gas cylinder being discovered in one of the lorries, all lanes on both sides of the motorway were closed while the emergency services dealt with the aftermath of this accident. Inevitably, massive congestion arose that lead to tailbacks for miles on the motorway. The motorway was eventually reopened to traffic again at 3 p.m. on the same day.